Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2022, 12(31): 47-55
UDC 303:502:33:330.131:355.01
JEL CLASSIFICATION: I P28; P37; P48, Q56, Q57; Q58
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2022.12(31).5

Oksana Veklych
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Abstract: The initial methodological bases for estimating economic damages from the loss of ecosystem services as a result of military aggression are represented for the first time in the domestic specialized literature. An idea was put forward to develop a special "Methodology for assessing the loss of ecosystem services from military actions", which would make it possible to achieve the amount of monetary compensation more adequate to the aggressor's costs of waging war and the actual damage caused to the environment by determining the cost of the loss of ecosystem services and restoration costs the environment. For the first time, the basic formula for the final value assessment of economic damage from the deterioration of ecosystem services as a result of armed aggression is presented and disclosed as an aggregated indicator with the definition of its main total components, in particular: economic damage from the deterioration of ecosystem services; reimbursement of the cost of lost resources and services during the recovery period; lost profits incurred due to the lack of a resource or service during the recovery period; compensations for non-renewable losses of biodiversity, unique ecosystem objects; the cost of carrying out scientific and organizational measures/works on assessing damage from the deterioration of ecosystem services as a result of armed aggression. Attention is focused on the fact that the proposed basic formula for the cost assessment of this damage can be a supporting basis for carrying out its specific assessment at any territorial level and within the selected ecosystems that have been damaged.
An idea was put forward regarding the need to take into account the direct and indirect effects of military actions and their consequences that harm the environment, when developing the "Methodology for assessing losses of ecosystem services from military actions". The content of the effects of military actions and their consequences, which harm the natural environment of Ukraine, is revealed. The importance of conducting an assessment of the damage caused by military operations to the environment and ecosystem goods in particular has been established. Such an assessment can be the basis for, firstly, bringing the aggressor to justice; second, to quantify reparations that would more broadly and more accurately reflect the effects of war; thirdly, to receive monetary compensation for the deterioration of ecosystems and their services by the affected socio-territorial communities as their owners.

Key words: ecosystem services, economic damage from deterioration/destruction of ecosystem services, economic assessment of damages from loss of ecosystem services as a result of military aggression, damage to the surrounding natural environment.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2022
Date of online version: 2022